BDosh Store

Welcome to the Blockdrop store. The is the place to get your BDosh to unlock a whole world of amazing upgrades and extras!

100% of revenue from purchases goes back into running the server. Every time you make a purchase you are directly contributing to making Blockdrop the amazing place that it is. Thank you!

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If you would like any help with a purchase query, the fastest way is to open a store support ticket on our Discord. Alternatively, you may email [email protected].

About Us

Welcome to Blockdrop! We're a Minecraft server built by gamers, for gamers. We offer a variety of game modes including Survival, Factions, Skyblock, Prisons, and Bedwars. As a cracked server, we're open to all, providing a free and fun online world. We believe in fairness, fun, and using cutting-edge technology to enhance your experience. Embark on your ultimate Minecraft journey with us!

Boost Your Adventure

Want to level up your game? Head over to our store and grab some BDosh! Use it to unlock exciting upgrades and perks in-game. Make your Blockdrop adventure truly unique!

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2024 © Blockdrop Network • MJP Gaming

Minecraft © Mojang AB 2009-2024